Parisian Phoenix Publishing

Creating Books that Promote Unique Voices and Diverse Perspectives

Mortals, Myths and Maybes releases tomorrow

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Earlier this week, I headed to the Post Office, one of the less glamorous jobs I have to do, to mail custom bookmarks and our Parisian Phoenix bookmarks to McKenna Graf who plans to stuff publicity boxes for her poetry collection Mortals, Myths and Maybes which launches TOMORROW.

When people ask me about the publishing company, in writing I will use the tag line, unique voices and diverse perspectives. In conversation, this means something much more personal— at Parisian Phoenix, we collect people. We gather like-minded people who aren’t afraid of using some elbow grease, who have bold ideas and welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively.

Because publishing and book marketing is competitive and can yield so little financial gain. The arts are often like that. An artist will spend so much time that when something sells, the ratio of time spent versus money made may not equate to a livable wage. Which is why so many writers and artists must relegate their talent and passion to a hobby. (And face the reality that “making a living” can often drain the creative spark.)

This is where Parisian Phoenix aims to make the process fun. We work hard, but we love what we do and as we all work together, we build a family of people all proud to support one another and promote each other.

McKenna Graf

And McKenna Graf has offered us her energy as a filmmaker and a poet, allowing us to enjoy and share her exuberance and her artistic, youthful perspective.

To hear McKenna read a poem from the new collection about her relationship with her father, you can find that on YouTube here. And to buy her book, for Amazon and Barnes and Noble, you can click the button below.

Amazon Preorder

Barnes & Noble Preorder

And soon, McKenna’s books will be available at Book and Puppet Company in downtown Easton and at Blue Flame Events Retail Store at the Palmer Park Mall, also in Easton.

McKenna will also be one of the authors joining us for Parisian Phoenix Day at the Bethlehem Township Barnes & Noble in the Southmont Shopping Center. That event is scheduled for July 20 and will feature about a dozen books from Parisian Phoenix, a handful of authors and some special events including poetry readings (by McKenna and Darrell Parry).

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