Parisian Phoenix Publishing

Creating Books that Promote Unique Voices and Diverse Perspectives


Have someone from the Parisian Phoenix editorial team work with you to achieve your book (or other project) goals. A la carte rates start at $40 per hour with customized packages available.

  • Guidance with Copyright Registration
  • ISBNs
  • Logo design
  • Branding
  • Research
  • Beta Reading
  • Developmental Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Cover Design
  • Book Design (ebook and print)
  • Guidance on Book Production/Distribution
  • Publicity Assistance
  • Newsletters

** authors who work with us as self-published “independent birds” receive much of the same support and publicity as our traditionally-published authors. The difference is as a self-published author: you set the timeline, you set your prices, you keep the profits and you make independent decisions.

Full Length Manuscripts

Since September 2021, Parisian Phoenix Publishing produced more than 20 books ranging from quirky poetry to an anthology of marginalized voices, children’s books to erotica. We’re taking a deep breath now and focusing on developing our company as a whole and slowing down.

Right now, Parisian Phoenix invests all royalties into the production of future books. This has impacted our marketing efforts, both organic and paid. Currently authors working with our traditional publishing imprints (Parisian Phoenix, Parisian Phoenix Kittens and Parisian Phoenix Kink), retain their rights and have access to at-cost author copies to sell at events or via direct sales on their websites.

Internet sales (Amazon, Barnes &,, etc.) and in person events attended by Parisian Phoenix benefit the publishing company. Our authors under these imprints do not pay for services, and if the book should recover at least $250 in the first year of publication, royalty sharing may be negotiated by the author.

We do not offer advances at this time, but we do provide lifetime support for our traditionally published authors. Parisian Phoenix Publishing works as a team– authors and artists making decisions with the editorial and design staff.


Parisian Phoenix chooses manuscripts for publication based on the uniqueness of the author’s voice and the diversity of perspective. Email our publisher at if you have a book we might like. Introduce yourself with a brief bio, and tell us what makes you different. Send us your work and a brief statement summarizing your marketing plan.

Non Fiction

Please send your proposal, including your marketing plan and anticipated timeline to our publisher at Please remember we like books with a unique voice and diverse perspective, so be sure to highlight how your topic fits our mission.

Poetry and Short Stories

We do consider poetry and collections of short stories. We prefer manuscripts of less than 60,000 words or about 250 pages for short story collections and about 75 pages for poetry. Introduce yourself with a brief bio, and tell us what makes you different. Send our publisher your work at with a brief statement summarizing your marketing plan.

Shorter Works


We often compile anthologies and like to list these potential topics on our submissions page. Do you have a theme or group of writer friends ready to compile your own anthology? Introduce yourself with a brief bio, and tell us what makes you different. Send our publisher your work at with a brief statement summarizing your marketing plan. We prefer manuscripts of less than 60,000 words or about 250 pages.

Reflections on Our Blog

Are you a writer with something to say? We are always looking for guest authors on our blog. Contact our publisher at Introduce yourself with a brief bio, tell us what makes you different and share your idea or finished blog entry.

We encourage anyone interested in our services to sign up for our newsletter on Substack and/or buy one of our books.

Yes, we know it’s expensive to buy books– but we also know that if you’re going to entrust you’re work to a publishing company, it’s important that you see their work and hold it in your hands.

for non-profit organizations

With more than a decade experience in nonprofit communications and fundraising, our publisher, Angel R. Ackerman, has a plan to develop fundraising books for non-profit organizations that can highlight and preserve the organization’s mission, raise awareness and share success stories and growth. These books could be produced inexpensively and distributed to funders, potential donors, foundations, and clients and sold at events or online to raise funds and promote the mission.

Email our publisher at for more information.