Parisian Phoenix Publishing

Creating Books that Promote Unique Voices and Diverse Perspectives

A visit to Downtown Easton

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If you follow my adventures as an individual on, this post will share similarities to one also posted there, or as the case may be, here.

Book and Puppet, 22 Centre Square

I have had a love affair with Easton since the late 1990’s– it was home to my first apartment. Darrell Parry and I lived at 123 North Second Street, apartment 101 for about two years. How can you resist an address like that?

A lot of the friends we made and the dining habits we acquired came from our time in the downtown. It was Darrell that discovered Book and Puppet Company when they first opened in the 400-block of Northampton Street, and Andy Laties capitalized on Eva Parry‘s people skills in her days as a costumed character. Andy also has a tremendous knowledge of the book industry and the arts, and realistic views of what success in these arenas entails. He has been a wonderful support not only for Parisian Phoenix but to other artists, nonprofits and community groups as well.

Sigal Museum, 342 Northampton Street

But on this particular day I had an appointment at Sigal Museum, where I believe Phillipsbug historian Wayne Sherrer has given a talk from his African-American history book, Phorgotten No More. So the museum has also supported Parisian Phoenix.

The Sigal is hosting the Arts Community of Easton Small Works Show. I spent some time enjoying it and indulging in the work of Parisian Phoenix contributors Maryann Riker and Joan Zachary, among other friends and neighbors.

In other news, our books made the kiosk at the Blue Flame Events Retail Store at the Palmer Park Mall.

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